Monday, May 12, 2014

Just a Girl from Seattle

Hi there! 

My name is Rachel and I fell in love with living a healthy lifestyle. I've always been passionate about cooking and about two years ago started to tryout healthier options and ever since it's been a part of me. I believe being healthy is a result of taking care of your body and treating it like a temple. With the occasional indulgence of course, because life is too short not to eat chocolate! :) I'm going to be using this blog to post recipes and try and give advice on what works for me. However, this is just me so other things might help you better. I was never overweight or anorexic, but I was depressed. Changing my whole lifestyle helped save me from completely giving up taking care of myself. I found it a way to escape from feeling like I had no control in other parts of my life, but I did have control on what I ate and how I exercised. I hope to inspire people when I grow up and help people change their point of views on life. Starving yourself is never an option, but instead making healthier yet still delicious choices and getting all the nutrients your body needs. I love to smile and make people laugh as you can see by the picture below :P A little about me is I'm a Seattle girl and I want to grow up and be a chef or world traveler of some sort. When I'm not cooking or eating, ;) you'll find me playing volleyball, hanging out with friends, at the gym, journaling, singing, taking pictures, or playing by the water. Friends and family are a priority to me and I love collecting quotes. Welcome to my blog, and I hope it inspires you on your healthier and happier journey! 

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